Whenever you wish to make any adjustments to your Splendies account, such as canceling or putting your subscription on hold for a few months, we highly suggest that you do so from within your Splendies account and not through your PayPal account.
Members who sign up using their PayPal account have the option to cancel their billing agreement with Splendies from within their PayPal account. PayPal does NOT allow for billing agreements to be restarted once they have been cancelled.
The only way to reactivate your same Splendies account once your PayPal billing agreement has been cancelled would be to either 1) Add a credit/debit card to your Splendies account or 2) log in to your account and start an entirely new subscription with Splendies.
*If you need to start an entirely new subscription account with Splendies please contact our Customer Service team to ensure that you get the latest Splendies package.